About us

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide the world with effective planning resources that will inspire motivation and success.

The beginning

It started with having an inner passion for planners and a passion to help others. I started this marketplace because I saw the need for people to find one single location to buy creative, fun and effective planners in different categories.

Our story

Plannerzy is a company that started in a small town in Illinois. With a passion for education, business and a strong need to keep myself on track, I felt that there was a need for a centralized location for planning resources. As I have started this marketplace journey, I have met a lot of creative designers that have an interest in expressing their products to the world.

You, our audience

Plannerzy is created for you, men and women who are wanting to reach personal, academic, career, health, business and many other goals.
When you visit our marketplace, you will leave with a feeling gratitude and excitement to purchase the planning products that will help you continue plans in a structured way.

We're available 7 days a week to answer all of your questions. Send us an email if there's anything we can do to help.

Our team

At Plannerzy we are a family of focus minded buyers and sellers that have one common goal: Accomplishment. Our team is here to help you achieve that.


Elizabeth Cordero

Co-Founder & CEO

Chris A. Sanchez

Co-Founder & IT Specialist

Priscilla Cordero

Customer Service